Author Archives: Jens Kuehnel

Graylog or the end of a horrible year (Part I)

2020 will be – for most people – one of the worst years in their living memory. The world is under lockdown because of SARS-Corona Virus 2 or Covid-19. As I’m part of a risk group, my social life is … Continue reading

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Hey, I just need a virtual Machine with …

If you just need a fast (manual) installation with a certain OS. Instead of downloading the ISO and than start the install. Just use virt-install that will do the download, startup etc. for you. Yes, I know there are better … Continue reading

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Moving my Server with less than a second downtime

As I’ve written in my previous post, I moved to a new Hetzner Box. This is how I setup my virtual Host and how I moved my server, including all virtual machines, to the new data center with a downtime … Continue reading

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lmsensors for Monitoring a Hetzner EX41 with nct6775 on Centos7

Hi, I recently rented a new Hetzner Box to replace my old. I moved from EX40 to EX41 and saving even some money every month :-). Every thing went smooth, but the sensors did not work. I had to use … Continue reading

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Citrix Reciever and SELinux

Hi Internet, sorry for the longtime being absent from this blog. But marriage and a child takes time and the blog was the first to go. But I will restart writing blog posts today with a project I started a … Continue reading

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