Bachelor Thesis: Centralized and structured log file analysis with Open Source and Free Software tools

After a lot of hard work I finished my bachelor thesis end of August and gave my colloquium end of September. Because of all the other stuff going on in my life I just have now time to upload my thesis.

I’m interested in log file analysis for a long time, but in the last years a lot has happened in this area. Here the abstract:

This thesis gives an overview on the Open Source and Free Software tools available for a centralized and structured log file analysis. This includes the tools to convert unstructured logs into structured log and different possibilities to transport this log to a central analyzing and storage station. The different storage and analyzing tools will be introduced, as well as the different web front ends to be used by the system administrator. At the end different tool chains will be introduced, that are well tested in this field.

Because of the time delay, some infos are already dated, but only two things, as fas as I know:

1. Graylog2 has now a new version available in Beta.

2. logstash has release a new version 1.2.1

I will keep this updated over time here on the blog, so have a look from time to time. If you find any problem, please inform me here at the blog or via mail:  “logfiles” (add the @ at the right place).

The URL of the Thesis is at:

Have a log of fun and tell me what you think.

Posted in Enterprise Linux, Fedora, Linux, logs | Tagged , | 1 Comment

note to self: Fedora minimal Installation and virt-manager

If you need to install virt-manager on a Fedora/Red Hat minimal installation, add the following packages:

yum install xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-xauth libvirt-daemon-kvm libvirt virt-manager qemu-kvm qemu-kvm-tools
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Very simple time sync sollution for Satellite


because I don’t want to create a Google Account, here my comment to the blogpost Time on Computers, NTP, Certificates, etc from .

The simplest method is to put the following line into the pre script:

hwlock --systohc

On the Satellite this commands are necessary:

yum install -y xinetd
chkconfig time-stream on
chkconfig time-dgram on
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uptime madness, or why do you need to reboot just because you replace the harddiscs?

I just got an new HP Microserver for a customer. I only had two 500GB disc available and installed Centos onto it. But now the 4* 3TB discs have arrived and I need to move everything from the 2 small discs to the new large discs.

Of course I could do a reboot, boot into a rescue CD and copy the data, but I don’t want to boot! Why no reboot? because I can! 🙂

I installed Centos onto the 2 disc with md0 as a 500MB RAID1 containing /boot, and md1 as a RADI1 containing the rest of the discs hosting a LVM Physical Volume.

This configuration is not guaranteed to work with every setup. Booting with a Bios from a GPT Partition should not work. It works on a HP Microserver, but it does not work on a Asus Motherboard I tried it as well. Of course as always: If you follow this setup and it breaks, eats you data, your homework or you cat. It is you own fault, don’t blame me!

1.) I started by stopping the RAID for sdb to remove this disc.

mdadm -f /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
mdadm -r /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
mdadm -f /dev/md1 /dev/sdb2
mdadm -r /dev/md1 /dev/sdb2

2. I removed the disc from the machine and put it into a USB/SATA Converter, and put it back into the RAID. Nowadays it’s very fast because the RAID detects what is still in sync. I feared a long wait to sync 500GB over USB, but is was done in seconds instead. Nice!

mdadm -a /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
mdadm -a /dev/md1 /dev/sdb2

3. Next I removed the remaining disc from the RAID and remove it from the case. Now you have a backup disc in case something goes wrong now!

mdadm -f /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
mdadm -r /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
mdadm -f /dev/md1 /dev/sda2
mdadm -r /dev/md1 /dev/sda2

4. Now I plugged in the 4 new 3TB hard discs. I run the usual badblocks -v -v -w on it, before I installed it. Create on every disc 2 partitions and mark them as Linux SW RAID.

parted -s -- /dev/sda \
mklabel gpt \
mkpart boot-raid ext2 1M 525M \
toggle 1 raid \
mkpart lvm-raid ext2 525M -1 \
toggle 2 raid

5. Add the 500MB partitions to md0. Remove the old Partition from the USB-Disk and extend the RAID from a 2 disc RAID1 to a 4 disc RAID1.

mdadm -a /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
mdadm -a /dev/md0 /dev/sdc1
mdadm -a /dev/md0 /dev/sdd1
mdadm -a /dev/md0 /dev/sde1
mdadm -f /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
mdadm -r /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1
mdadm -G -n 4 /dev/md0

6. Create a new RAID. Is use RAID 5 named /dev/md2 and create a Physical Volume on it.

mdadm -C -n 4 -l 5 /dev/md2 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2 /dev/sde2
pvcreate /dev/md

7. Extend the existing Volume Group to /dev/md2 and move all Data from md1 to md2. Remove md1 from the Volume Group when done and destroy md1.

vgextend vg_name /dev/md2
pvmove /dev/md1 /dev/md2
vgreduce vg_name /dev/md1
mdadm -S /dev/md

8. The hardest stop is to make the boot possible. You need to get the UUID of the new RAID1 and add that to the grub.conf. Also you need to update your mdadm.conf  and recreate your initramfs. Finally you need to install grub again onto the new sda.

mdadm -D /dev/md2 | grep UUID | sed -e 's/UUID : //'
#add resulting UUID with rd_MD_UUID= to all kernels
mdadm --examine --scan >> /etc/mdadm.conf
dracut -f /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
grub-install /dev/sda

9. reboot.

Wait, why reboot now, when I tried not to reboot? Because sooner or later you have to reboot and I want to now know if that will work.

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Thank you Seth Vidal, my first ansible playbook

I was shocked when I heard about Seth Vidal’s death. Of course I use yum daily, but it brought tears to my eyes, when I was reading my  “my TODO List after a install” and realized that Seth was one of two people who responded. Thanks Seth, I will remember you.

So in reference to him, here my first ansible playbook:

- hosts: all
  user: root
  - name: make sure eth0 starts at boot
    lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 regexp=^ONBOOT= line=ONBOOT=yes backup=yes

  - name: put ssh-key in
    authorized_key: user=root key="{{lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}" manage_dir=yes

  - name: get epel-repo rpm RHEL6
    get_url: dest=/tmp/epel-release.rpm  url=
    when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_lsb.major_release|int == 6
  - name: get epel-repo rpm RHEL5
    get_url: dest=/tmp/epel-release.rpm  url=
    when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_lsb.major_release|int == 5

  - name: install epel-repo rpm
    yum: pkg=/tmp/epel-release.rpm state=installed

  - name: install my packages
    yum: pkg={{ item }} state=installed
    when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_lsb.major_release|int == 6
#       - mmv 
       - policycoreutils-python
       - mod_ssl
       - screen
       - policycoreutils-python 
       - iotop 
       - yum-plugin-ps 
       - yum-cron   
       - iptraf 
       - acpid 
       - man 
       - bind-utils 
       - vim-enhanced 
       - nc 
       - zip 
       - unzip 
       - wget 
       - etckeeper 
       - links 
       - screen 
       - yum-utils 
       - lsof 
       - bash-completion 
       - ddrescue 
       - dos2unix 
       - dstat 
       - lftp 
       - links 
       - hdparm 
       - smartmontools 
       - jwhois 
       - kexec-tools 
       - mc 
       - mcelog 
       - memtest86+ 
       - mtr 
       - nmap 
       - ntp 
       - openssh-server 
       - pbzip2 
       - rng-tools 
       - sysstat 
       - vconfig 
       - vlock 
       - lzop 
       - atop 
       - mosh

  - name: activate autoupdate
    service: enabled=yes state=started name=yum-cron

  - name: initialize etckeeper
    command: /usr/bin/etckeeper init creates=/etc/.git/description
  - name: make first commit
    command: /usr/bin/etckeeper commit -m "init" creates=/etc/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
Posted in Enterprise Linux, Fedora, Uncategorized | Tagged | 1 Comment

my TODO List after a install

I had to reinstall a couple of machines recently and I had to do the same thing more then once. So I wrote a script,and for my own future self I post it here, as reference.

sed -e 's:ONBOOT=no:ONBOOT=yes:' -i /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
yum install
yum update
yum install policycoreutils-python iotop yum-plugin-ps yum-cron   iptraf acpid man bind-utils vim-enhanced nc zip unzip wget etckeeper links screen yum-utils lsof bash-completion ddrescue dos2unix dstat lftp links hdparm smartmontools jwhois kexec-tools mc mcelog memtest86+ mmv mtr nmap ntp openssh-server pbzip2 rng-tools sysstat vconfig vlock lzop atop mosh
mkdir /root/.ssh/
echo 'ssh-dss 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 normal' >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
restorecon ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ~/.ssh/
etckeeper init
etckeeper commit
chkconfig yum-cron on

Before people complain! Yes, I know puppet and chef. At work I use it daily, but this are play machines and I don’t want to handle puppet here at home.

Posted in Enterprise Linux, Fedora, Linux, Uncategorized | Tagged | 3 Comments

Be carefull when updating from RHEL6.1 to RHEL6.4

If you have a RHEL6.1 and try to update to RHEL6.4, you will get some strange errors, about missing libraries.

The reason is that ldconfig will not run anymore, because /etc/* sepcifies hwcap 0 till RHEL6.1 and RHEL 6.2 and higher specifies hwcap 1.

It the settings are different you get this error message:

ldconfig: /etc/ hwcap index 1 already defined as nosegneg

ldconfig cannot run after installing new libraries and some symlinks are broken.
To Fix: simply change all hwcap setting to 1 and rerun ldconfig.

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Memorymangement is harder than it is known.

After I thought I understood memory manager after all, this comes along. I have a behavior I can’t understand or explain. Let’s see if anyone can solve the puzzle.

You have a machine, lets say with 8GB Ram. You only run a small number of process on that machine and you want to add another service.
You run free -m and it looks like this:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          7980       4814       3165          0          1       4593
-/+ buffers/cache:        220       7759
Swap:         1759          0       1759

And you think hey, no problem a lot of free memory available. 220MB “real used” memory and 7759MB “freeable memory”. Let’s bring it on.

You start you application (I use memhog from numactl) which eats 4G of RAM and gives you a OOM.

Who knows why?

(The solution is attached as base64 encoded block) To get a peek simple execute the block in a shell.

cat << EOF | openssl base64 -d

I would still love an explanation why it is that way.

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RHEL6.4 and NX

Be careful if you update to RHEL6.4 and you are using NX. RHEL6.4 removes the  keymap.dir and this breaks NX at the moment.

To fix this, simply do a touch /usr/share/X11/xkb/keymap.dir. It looks like that RedHat will not fix this, because the file layout of xkeyboard-config is not part of the fixed ABI/API. The Centos guys are aware of this, and I hope they will fix this instead.

More infos:
RedHat BZ

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Todo after a Fedora upgrade

Even with the new fedup tool to upgrade. There are a couple of commands I use always after an upgrade. I suggest you use them too:

  1. yum distro-sync
  2. package-cleanup –problems
  3. package-cleanup –orphans
  4. rpmconf -a -fvimdiff
  5. rpmorphan

Helps to keep your Fedora installation clean.


Posted in Fedora, Linux, Uncategorized | Tagged | 1 Comment