Category Archives: Uncategorized

Not again Red Hat

Update 2024.05.26: I appears the elrepo has found a way to create kmod packages for RHEL9.4 and RHEL8.10. I tested mp3sas, ftsteutates and wireguard from the elrepo-testing repo and it works flawlessly. In this video Jeff Geerling accounced that “Corporate … Continue reading

Posted in Enterprise Linux, Linux, Uncategorized | Tagged | 1 Comment

mostly unknown keepalived feature

There are lot of introduction to keepalived. Like Setting up a Linux cluster with Keepalived: Basic configuration | Enable Sysadmin ( or Keepalived and high availability: Advanced topics | Enable Sysadmin ( But I recently learned that keepalived has a … Continue reading

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podman-compose and systemd

I’m using more and more podman and especially podman-compose. podman-compose is not part of RHEL, but it is available in EPEL and it is in Fedora. Of course I run it as a non-root user. It really works great, but … Continue reading

Posted in Enterprise Linux, Fedora, Uncategorized | Tagged | 2 Comments

podman-compose in RHEL8

If you are – like me – running podman-compose from EPEL in RHEL8 and running into the error message “invalid config provided: extra host entries must be specified on the pod: network cannot be configured when it is shared with … Continue reading

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My podman journey so far

This blog post was rotting in my queue since November of 2021, but the info is still helpfull for someone, so I post it now. I had a long time ago a look at docker when just version 1 was … Continue reading

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Firewalld Fedora 34 -> 35 Masquerade between Zones not working anymore

I updated my firewall from 34 to 35 and my firewall was not working anymore. There is a not good documented change with the release of firewalld 1.0 that hit me. The fix is simple if you found it. firewall-cmd … Continue reading

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Note to self: Windows install

Install Chocolaty (Packagemanger for Windows) from Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’)) Install needed software choco install chocolateyGUI 7zip cdburnerxp crystaldiskinfo firefox libreoffice-fresh putty sumatrapdf sysinternals vlc windirstat shutup10 teamviewer nextcloud-client run … Continue reading

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Cool new tools

Just back from my vacation I learned two cool new tools on the first day. Of course both are in EPEL and Fedora. The Silver Search: ag $STRING is an alternative to grep -ir $STING . But a lot of … Continue reading

Posted in Enterprise Linux, Fedora, Linux, Uncategorized | Tagged | 1 Comment

FreeNAS and check_mk

Hi, I’m setting up two FreeNAS Server for Backup and Archiving and I really like FreeNAS 11. Thank good I didn’t have time to update it to FreeNAS Coral. 🙂 But I’m using check_mk for monitoring and I would like … Continue reading

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qemu/kvm libvirt and trim with Fedora 25

Hi, after more then 10 years of using VMWare Workstation (Starting with VMWare Workstation 5). I’m in the process of moving to KVM/libvirt, but I want to use qcow2 with trim support. I’m using Fedora 25 with virt-manager to create … Continue reading

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